Candice Sweet

Stated Clerk

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Candice Sweet is the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Utah. She is married to her husband Jim, who is the clerk of session at Ogden First where they are both members. Candice has two incredibly perfect daughters that she adores and a mother (96) who is an absolute hoot. She also has two dogs that are teaching her the art of patience. 

Candice spends her time knitting, reading, and watching either British mysteries or sci-fi reruns. She is in total accord with Executive Presbyter Mirjam in believing Kathryn Janeway is the best Star Trek Captain ever.   

Candice is known in the Presbytery as the Jedi master of policy and procedure. Unapologetically geeky, she travels with her work computer and is NEVER without a Book of Order at hand. Candice was elected as the Stated Clerk of the Synod of the Rocky Mountains in 2022 and now serves in both positions.   


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P.O. Box 25394
Salt Lake City, UT 84125
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